LFK Dance & Gym
Kinder Gymnastics
LFK Dance & Gym's Kinder Gym program offers classes that constructively challenge your child to think about the physical components of basic movement and motor skills.
Let your child have fun exploring and developing their physical skills at their own pace, in a fun and safe environment. The program is aimed at supporting and improving motor skills and self-confidence as well as improving the child’s body awareness.
Each week of Kinder Gym focuses on a different skill in which we tailor the equipment to aid in the improvement of these movements including swinging, balancing, jumping, climbing and rocking and rolling weeks.
Group time is focused on encouraging your child’s participation, listening skills, social interaction, as apart of a wider group, in a fun and happy way.
Kinder Gym helps children gain a good foundation of co-ordination and total body control in physical activity.
Climbing, rolling, balancing, singing, hopping, swinging, jumping, dancing, bubbles,
stamps – wow, it’s all part of the fun!
Listening Skills, Social Interaction
Improve Motor
Skills and Child's Body Awareness
Ages 2-4
Classes for children aged between 2 and 4 years require adult participation throughout the entire class along with our coach.

Ages 4-5
Kinder Gym classes for ages 4-5 years old go in individually with our coaches and begin the basic gymnastics skills.
If you wish to book in a free trial or for more information on our Kinder gymnastics program please call (03) 9397 7766 or email us at lfkdanceandgym193@icloud.com